Try to understand the pressures on those in leadership and encourage them. When our former Saginaw city police chief was being criticized in the newspapers, I brought a simple gift to him—just to let him know I understood and supported him. That small gesture made a big difference, and I still get a Christmas card from him every year.
Stick up for people when they are down. Whether a person is being criticized unfairly or he made an honest blunder, he needs to know he still has a friend.
Remember the “little people.” Every year for Christmas I used to take poinsettias to the administrative staff at the local Sheriff’s department, but one day I noticed that while the administrative staff received many gifts for Christmas, the clerical staff in a separate part of the office rarely received anything. I brought in more poinsettias for the clerks and was amazed at how thankful they were for the small gift.
Be cautious about using your contacts for personal advantage. People can easily tell whether you wish to be an encouragement or whether you wish to get something from them.
Pray for the people in your community, and let them know that you are doing so. You would be amazed how many unsaved people are touched by a note that says, “I prayed for you earlier today. I realize you carry a heavy load of responsibilities, and I asked the Lord to give you wisdom, strength, and grace.”