We know that God’s business is the greatest business! Therefore, what you do for your pastor is very important and very serious.
We are all familiar with the verse in Proverbs 31:10, “…who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies.”
Well, let’s consider the virtuous secretary. A paraphrase could go something like this:
The heart of her boss doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. (spoil = blemish or ruin)
Here are some attributes I believe the Pastor deserves in his secretary:
1. She Is Confidential
This is imperative. She will see, hear and find out all kinds of things about people and situations. She should not share that information with anyone.
2. She Is Resilient
- She must not get her feelings hurt easily.
- She should learn from her mistakes. Don’t break and quit and get offended.
- She is a buffer, the complaint department, the problem-solver.
- She can lift the burden, or she can be the burden!
3. She Is Flexible
“Blessed are the flexible for they shall not get bent out of shape.”
She should always have a positive response of encouragement like:
- “Sure, no problem.”
- “Sure, will do.”
- “Piece of cake.”
If you have ever had a day all mentally planned out and your plans went into the shredder, you know that plans are useful but planning is essential!
4. She Is Humble
She needs God’s hand upon her life and James says, “God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble.”
- It’s not my way or the highway.
- Stay little in your own eyes.
- Keep a servant’s heart.
5. She Is Friendly
I don’t want my fellow workers to feel they have to tip toe up to me and ever so gently petition their requests. Answer the phone and greet visitors with a smile on your face and in your voice. The pastor’s secretary should be approachable and easily entreated.
- She gives service with a smile.
- She goes the
second mile.
Henry Ford said, “There’s a lot of room on the second mile.”
To keep a smile, sometimes you need to whisper to yourself, slow down! Stop being so rushed. Slow down! Praise the Lord!
6. She Is Spirit-filled
If you are in the Pastor’s office, you will have spiritual warfare. Do not come into the office without spending time with the Lord first.
Stay positive. Winston Churchill said, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
7. She Is Honest and Trustworthy
Have you ever caught someone in a lie? It casts doubt in the future.
8. She Is Respectful and Professional
- Dress appropriately
- Dress professionally
- Have a professional attitude
- Have professional body language (stay on the other side of the desk)
- Be disciplined in your personal life, spiritual life, and office and ministry life
There is always fruit from the root. What’s the root?
If the root is that you’re undisciplined the fruit is:
- Disorganization
- Carelessness
- Tardiness
- Laziness
- Messiness
9. She Is Dependable
She should always be on time and in her place in both the office and ministry.
It’s a good goal to get into the office before your boss does.
10. She Is a Gatekeeper
Insulate, not isolate (he doesn’t need to know everything).
No pastor wants to be blind-sided. His secretary should help with that. She can help train the staff how to communicate to the pastor.
Determine when to give him information. He should not get an endless stream of little bits of information all day long because he will never get anything done.
Protect his day off.
Don’t be guilty of being more concerned about getting information “off of your desk” and onto his than protecting his time.
Remember the pressures the pastor is under and do not bother him with every little problem.
Listen well and present solutions rather than dwelling on problems.
Present a professional appearance and attitude at all times. Don’t bring your personal problems to work.