Your body has rhythm. I’m sure you can tell who is coming down the hall of your house by their walk. Little children are able to memorize the words to songs long before they can read because the words are written to the rhythm of music.
Now here is where my plan gets unique from others. When I decided to start memorizing seriously in 1978, I thought through how I was going to be using what I had memorized. I had two situations in my ministry where I most often needed to know the Bible—when I was preaching and when I was talking with people one-on-one in soulwinning or . . .
Very little gets accomplished in our lives that isn’t planned. If you are seriously going to memorize Scripture, you must be willing to block off a section of time . . .
The Reward of Memorizing and Meditating on Scripture
Often people come up to me after I preach and say: “My, you have a wonderful memory. I wish I could memorize like that! God has really gifted you with a great mind.” I want to cry! Now don’t . . .