Adult Bible classes provide an environment in which men and women can make friends, learn God’s Word, and have spiritual needs met. But this does not happen by accident! The following is a suggested schedule for teachers.
Take advantage of the fifteen minutes before class, while folks arrive. Catch up with one another, learn someone’s name, and find out what burden a friend is carrying.
Welcome and Sing
At 10:05, enthusiastically welcome the class and sing a fun chorus. Provide the words in your class bulletin.
Recognize People
Take two minutes to recognize three groups: first-time guests (jot down their names before class starts), those having birthdays, and those celebrating an anniversary this week. This adds a personal element to the class, which likely will not occur in the larger worship service.
Make Announcements
The classroom is a great place to share information about church-wide events, in addition to class activities. But be warned, if you announce too much, their eyes will glaze over—and good luck getting them back for the lesson!
Prayer Requests
Keep a list in the class bulletin and remember to update the class when prayers are answered. Ask a godly Christian to lead the class in prayer.
Receive an offering that will be combined with the general offerings of the church. This will reinforce the value of stewardship.
Allow thirty minutes for a practical, well-prepared Bible lesson. Involve students by providing an outline and by occasionally calling on them to answer questions or to read Scripture.
Dismiss on Time
Do not cause a rush or make students late for the worship service by trying to cram in the last few points. It is better to wrap it up, leaving folks ten minutes to prepare for the next event.