Many skills can be developed during the summer. Keep children on a schedule of learning even when they are on vacation from school so they are ready for the fall. Suggestions are given below, but ideas to do are endless!
- Read the Bible together as a family.
- Students in K-12 ought to have a personal quiet time daily. Keep a journal of their favorite verse of the day and write “why” it is their favorite verse.
- Read a biography of an American president or missionary as a family and discuss.
- Make “+, -, x, and /” flashcards from 3”x5” cards or buy them at a dollar store.
- As children are shopping with you, have them add up the purchases, figuring in sales tax and change.
- Create a time schedule for each day of the week and months. (Keep as consistent as possible with school year time schedule.)
- Write letters to missionaries as a family.
- Write a book of the Bible in your own handwriting.
- Take notes during the sermons at church, writing in outline form.
- Write short stories—rough draft, parents correct, student edits and re-writes story in best penmanship. Keep in a folder and title the finished product. Ideas of starting sentences are:
I spent the day with my mom.
I never knew it was so hard to make cookies.
I never noticed…
Mornings are so different since I…
- When traveling, talk about the scenery.
- Study maps and globes together as a family, pointing out where missionaries live.
- Discuss the different climates in the world and how that affects living in those areas.
- Prompt conversation by asking questions such as:
“What makes you think that ?”
“Can you give me an example of ?”
“How could that have been prevented?”
“How are and alike/different?”
“Would that have still happened if ?”
“What would you do if you ?”
- Give clear instructions on how to do a chore and ask the student to repeat the instructions.
- Listen to godly music while doing a project together as a family.
- Share prayer requests with each other.
- Discuss current events in light of Scripture.
- Watch educational documentaries and discuss in light of Scripture. Have the students write a one-page report on that subject and include Scripture supporting a biblical world view.