1. Set concrete goals.
A dream without a plan is a wish. Many times people do not fulfill broad goals because they do not define the next action to take towards that goal. If you commit to “spend more time with your family,” the next step might be, “select dates on your calendar to spend with your wife.”
2. Set measurable goals.
In three months, will you be able to tell if you have made any progress? Gauging your progress both encourages you with short-term results and motivates you to keep moving forward. “Improve my prayer life” can be difficult to define, but you can measure your time spent in prayer and record answered prayers in a prayer journal.
3. Relate goals to a time period.
Decide when you want to begin your goal and when it will be finished. If your goal is to organize your garage, select a good time to start and finish the job. You know your own schedule, and you know best when you have a few hours on a day off to complete that job.
4. Relate goals to specific roles in life.
Set personal goals relating to your spiritual growth and walk with Christ. Set family goals for time together and making memories. Set ministry goals relating to stewardship, service, and soulwinning. And set career goals that would honor the Lord.