McCarry wrote several books, served as assistant to the Secretary of Labor in
the Eisenhower cabinet, and did two stints in the CIA. What makes him
remarkable? He almost wasn’t born.
Medical authorities determine a person to be "alive" if there is either a
detectable heartbeat or brain-wave activity. With that in mind, it is
eye-opening for some to realize that unborn children have detectable
heartbeats at eighteen days (two and one-half weeks) after conception
and detectable brain-wave activity forty days (a little over five and
one-half weeks) after conception. What is so shocking is that
essentially 100% of all abortions occur after the seventh week of
pregnancy.—Sanctity of Life, Word Publishers
Would you consider abortion in the following four situations ?
There's a preacher and wife who are very, very, poor. They already have fourteen kids. Now the wife finds out she's pregnant with the fifteenth. They're living in
tremendous poverty. Considering their poverty and the excessive world
population, would you consider recommending she get an abortion?
A professor in a college ethics class presented a
problem to his students. He said, "A man has syphilis and his wife tuberculosis. They
have had four children: one has died, the other three have what is
considered to be a terminal illness. The mother is pregnant. What do
you recommend?" After spirited discussion, the majority of the class
voted that the mother should abort the child.
"Fine," said the professor,
"You've just killed Beethoven!"
Source: The Tale of the Tardy Oxcart, Charles Swindoll
A worried woman sought the help of her gynecologist in securing an
abortion. She explained that she was desperate because she already had a
child that was not yet one. The doctor thought for a moment and then
suggested what he believed to be a better alternative. He noted his
plan would be healthier for her body and make her life less
stressful. He then blurted out, “If we’re going to kill one child,
let’s kill the baby you already have.
One out of every three babies conceived in America is
aborted. There are 1.6 million abortions reported in this country every
year, meaning that over 40 million abortions have taken place since
abortion was legalized in 1973.