1. Bible College Helps Us Fulfill the Principle of First Things
In Matthew 6:33, God’s Word says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” There are a number of times in our lives where God commands and expects “first things.” The children of Israel were commanded to give of the first fruits of their crops. God asks us to give Him the first day of the week. He asks for the first ten percent of our income, as well as an offering. Many have discovered the wisdom of following David’s example—he gave God the first part of his day (Psalm 63:1).
It could certainly be said that the year after high school graduation marks the first part of one’s adult life. In fact, it is commonly stated at graduations that high school commencement is a threshold one crosses into adulthood. Based on the biblical principle of first things, it would certainly seem wise to dedicate at least this first year as a time for spiritual growth and grounding.
The One Year Bible Program at West Coast Baptist College is expressly designed to fulfill this purpose. This program is thirty-two hours of Bible instruction accompanied by chapel five days a week and the experience of life at the Lancaster Baptist Church during that school year.
2. Bible College Helps Us Find and Prepare for God’s Will
The majority of young people between the ages of seventeen and nineteen often tell us that they are not exactly sure what it is that God would have them to do with their lives. There is nothing wrong or sinful about not having clear direction for the future. During this time of seeking, Bible college is a safe and spiritually productive place to find out what God would have you to do with your life.
As students hear the Word of God taught and preached, they often find direction. God’s Word says about itself, “The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple” (Psalm 119:130). It also says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105). Both the lamp and the light were used in biblical times to show people where their next step should be taken. The lamp showed the next step or two, and the light showed down the path. A year in Bible college often provides a light that allows people to clearly see the path that God would have them to see.
In Genesis 24:27, Abraham’s servant Eleazar said, “I being in the way, the LORD led me.” There’s no doubt that if we are hearing what God wants us to hear and doing what God wants us to do, the Lord will guide us into His perfect will.
Countless numbers of students have gone to Bible college with open and tender hearts, and God has directed them into His will for their lives.
3. Bible College Helps Us Grow and Mature
Innumerable students have stated that their going away from home to attend Bible college was a major step in personal maturing and growth. Spending a year in Bible college benefits students in numerous ways:
- Learning to get along with others
- Developing personal accountability
- Learning to trust God by faith for our needs
- Learning to establish a budget
- Learning to plan and live by schedule
- Being mentored and learning to mentor others
- Learning to have fruit that remains
- Finding and keeping a job
- Developing servant leadership
- Learning to focus on the eternal, rather than the temporal
Bible college is often a place where young people meet their spouses. What better place to find a life partner than among likeminded young people who are saved, Bible-believing Baptists?
Bible college is also a place to meet those who will be lifetime friends. It is often classmates in Bible college who share the same passion to serve the Lord and invest their lives in things that will further the kingdom of Christ. These are the ones with whom you will have much in common as you embark in ministry.
Bible college is a place of wonderful memories, and most importantly, it is a place where God touches and shapes hearts for the years ahead. As I have stated to countless parents, West Coast Baptist College is good for a person’s heart, and out of the heart are the issues of life.