And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap—Ezekiel 22:30a
D. L. Moody said: “The longer I live the more I am convinced that godly men and women are not appreciated in our day. But their work will live after them, and there will be a greater work done after they are gone, by the influence of their lives, than when they were living.”
I have developed a purpose and prayer for 2018, that I hope will be helpful to you as you make goals and plans for this new year,
I am purposed in 2018 to:
- Walk with God daily
- Rest in His sovereign will for my life
- Be truly thankful for what I have
- Demonstrate my love and loyalty to my wife and family
- Honor our church family with my diligent and steadfast leadership
- Personally go after more people with the gospel
- DO what God has put in my heart to do
“Lord, I dedicate myself to You anew. Cleanse me and strengthen me. Guide me, guard me, and give me wisdom to navigate the challenges that will arise. Fill me with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Bear fruit that remains through me and our church family. Send consecrated and committed laborers. Help us to trust You in, through, and for all things. Help me to rightly steward my mind, my marriage, my money, and my ministry in view of standing before You and giving account one day soon. In Jesus name, Amen.”