Anthony Aiken
Anthony Aiken accepted the pastorate of Bible Baptist Church in Fort Pierce, Florida in 2017. Since that time, God has blessed the church with growth for which they praise Him.
John Anderson
John Anderson serves as the pastor of Pinecrest Baptist Church in McDonough, Georgia. He has served in both missions and church planting.
Brent Armstrong
Brent Armstrong became the pastor of Tucson Baptist Church in 2009. He speaks at many conferences and youth camps across the country.
Kevan Bartlett
Pastor Kevan Bartlett is the development and production coordinator for Bible Truth Music. He is a featured speaker at Bible Truth Music conferences and choir clinics.
Monica Bass
Monica Bass serves as a writer and senior editor for Striving Together Publications and teaches a ladies Connection Group at Lancaster Baptist Church. She is a graduate of West Coast Baptist C
Dr. Nathan Birt
Dr. Nathan Birt is the Administrative Liaison/Student Life and Bible Instructor at West Coast Baptist College.
Andrew Browning
Andrew Browning has served as the pastor of New Hope Baptist Church in Torrington, Connecticut since 2014.
Jacob Bundy
Pastor Bundy grew up in a Christian home in Florida, and Liz grew up in a pastor’s home in Maryland. They met in California while attending college in Lancaster.
Bruce Burkett
Bruce Burkett accepted the pastorate of Lighthouse Baptist Church in Cortez, Colorado in 2014. Prior to this, he served as a youth pastor in Smyrna, Tennesse.
Brandon Campbell
Brandon and his wife Christine are both graduates of West Coast Baptist College and have served in ministry since 2002.
Chris Chadwick
After more than five years of prayer and preparation, Pastor Chris Chadwick and his wife, Debbie, arrived in San Diego in September of 2002 to establish a Bible-believing church. Canyon R
Larry Chappell
Larry Chappell is a graduate of West Coast Baptist College. He is the Educational Pastor and Student Ministries Director at Lancaster Baptist Church.
Dr. Paul Chappell
Dr. Paul Chappell is the Pastor of Lancaster Baptist Church and president of West Coast Baptist College in Lancaster, CA. He was called to Lancaster Baptist in 1986 by twelve members.
Paul Choi
Paul Choi serves as the Administrative Liaison and Bible Instructor at West Coast Baptist College. He brings pastoral experience to the students he teaches and mentors.
Tim Christoson
Tim Christoson is the pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Howell, Michigan. He and his wife, Nicole, have four children and have been in full-time Christian service since 1997.
Charles Clark
Charles Clark III assists his father, Charles Clark II, as the Associate Pastor of the Solid Rock Baptist Church in Berlin, New Jersey.
Gordon Conner
Pastor Gordon Conner moved to Vancouver in the summer of 1982 to plant what was then called Bethel Baptist Church.
Kurt Copeland
Kurt Copeland served at Franklin Road Baptist Church for nearly 28 years as their youth pastor. The Lord blessed his minsitry there in amazing ways.
Daniel Cox
Daniel Cox joined the West Coast Baptist College team in 2023. He attended The Crown College where he met his beautiful wife, Marie.
Dr. George Crabb
Dr. George Crabb joined the faculty of WCBC in 2019 as part of the Biblical Counseling program. He is a board-certified Internal Medicine physician who also practices Addiction Medicine.
Michael Creed
Pastor Michael Creed has served at Independent Baptist Church in Clinton, Maryland since 1984, and has pastored the church since 1994.
Valerie Creed
Mrs. Valerie Creed has shared in Pastor Michael Creed’s ministry at Independent Baptist Church since 1984.