“Mooooom, I need you!” That can either be a glorious call or words that make you want to hide. As a mom of seven, I have often heard those words. Being a mom isn’t an easy task, but it is a blessed one.
Our Joy Should Not Be Based on External Circumstances
Have you ever made a purchase at the store and realized later that you were overcharged by several dollars? The happiness of the shopping excursion was soon replaced with frustration. Just as Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of soup, we often sell our happiness for a few dollars!
One event I look forward to each year is our annual summer family vacation. I have always loved this special, memory-making time with my husband and children. And while in recent days the length and locations have adapted to our growing family (yay for grandkids!), we all still enjoy this yearly time together.
Before running a series of errands recently, I took my daughter, Danielle, and her sons through the Starbucks drive thru. When we ordered our drinks, I surprised the boys and added two birthday cake pops at the end.
Hope is a noun and a verb. It is what we have, and it is what we do. We who know the Lord already have hope, but we must also choose hope. I recently did a Bible study on the word hope, and was amazed at what I found.
Hospitality Is a Tremendous Tool for Encouragement and Edification
One of my first official attempts at gracious hospitality came early in our family’s ministry, and it was not what I imagined it would be. My husband had just started a couples’ class, and he was so excited the Sunday our first visiting couple attended church. Imagine my shock when, right in the middle of class, he invited them over to our home for lunch!
My daughters and I recently made a last minute lunch run to one of our favorite restaurants, Chipotle. I love when we can squeeze in time together like this, and it was especially enjoyable since the grandkids came, too!
For a perfectionist, particularly a type A perfectionist, the word excellence has a nice ring to it—a seductive ring. “You say I should pursue excellence? Sure! I’d be glad to. In fact, I’ll do more. I’ll insist on excellence—at every level, in every realm.” And that’s just the beginning!
As Jesus walked with His disciples to Gethsemane, He gave them some final instructions. He explained the nature of the relationship He wanted them to have with Him after His resurrection. He compared what He wanted for their lives with that of a fruitful vine.
One of my dear friends once told me of a time when she and her husband were first married. During their first few years of marriage, their home was a simple, small apartment with hardly any furnishings. She went on to tell me that they were just as happy then as they are now, many years later, living in a large house on five acres of land.
Next to the Bible, the book that has helped me the most in my walk with the Lord is a book I wrote. Actually, it’s an eight-volume set. Before you think I’m boastful, let me give two clarifications.
One of the things we must do to stay alive is eat! Along with air, water, and sleep, our bodies need food. The nutrients contained in the food we eat keep us healthy and strong. If we neglect to nourish our physical bodies, our health will inevitably decline. The human soul works the same way! We must regularly feed on God’s Word to stay alive and spiritually healthy. We must continually and purposefully nurture our souls with the Word of God.
I recently read a survey asking this question: “What makes your family great?” Among all the different answers, the most common was, “The time we spend together.” You cannot develop family memories if you are not spending time together! Evaluate your schedule, allow some spontaneous activity every now and then, and delight in the simple joy of being together!
Philippians 4:11 reminds us to be content in every season of life, “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Don’t fall into the trap of thinking, “Tomorrow, life will be better.” Sometimes we stew in discontentment over today, while we think things like this: “The kids will be older; they will do more for themselves; I won’t have to worry as much; or we will have more money.”
As a Christian wife, you will be watched and even judged. Some women consider this to be a negative aspect of being a Christian or of being in ministry, and either they resent it and give up, or, in most cases, they become consumed with trying to please people. Neither response is pleasing to the Lord!
Have you ever handled rose petals and noticed how soft and delicate they were? The rose has been dubbed the “Queen of Flowers.” This beautiful flower has been a symbol of love, romance, beauty and pleasure. Each bloom is different and unique. Roses are hearty but fragile at the same time.
I can’t really get to know someone passing them in the hallway at church. In order to really get to know them, I must give of myself. Sometimes we do not want to get close to others because we have been hurt in the past or are afraid of being hurt.
Several years ago, my family took a trip to London, England. We stayed in a unique hotel located in a restored historical building. As we headed out one morning, excited for another day of sightseeing, we got on the elevator and pushed the “down” button. But when the elevator descended, this normal morning changed abruptly. It suddenly felt like we had stepped on the Tower of Terror ride at Disneyland.