Sermon outline: This is an abbreviated outline with the complete sermon downloadable at the bottom of the post.
Text: Hosea 6:1–3
Title: Then Shall We Know
Introduction: No prophet sacrificed more for his God than Hosea. He married a woman, Gomer, who would later become a harlot. She would dishonor her husband, violate her vows, and break his heart. The book of Hosea gives us a “graphic picture” of Israel’s backslidden condition, the gracious plea from Jehovah for them to return to Him, and a glorious promise of a restored relationship.
I. The Return Pled—vs. 1
A. The conditions requiring the return
B. The consequences resulting from the return
II. The Revival Produced—vs. 2
A. The timing
B. The truth
III. The Revelation Promised—vs. 3
A. The promise
B. The prerequisite