A good relationship with a wise mentor is like having personal access to a goldmine. It’s an opportunity anyone would be foolish to not take advantage of!
Compromising Convictions or Modifying Methods?—Part 2
Sinful compromise is not hard to discern and avoid. Those who are careful to please the Lord will recognize such compromise when they ask certain questions about the issues at hand and the changes that are being made by many.
Compromising Convictions or Modifying Methods?—Part 1
Leading fundamentalist churches across the country today are changing what they believe and teach. In many cases, these changes amount to compromise with evil.
Many of the issues Christians face in their lives and in their churches boil down to a choice between faith and doubt, between believing God and deciding not to believe what He has said.
My dad finished preaching a service in a revival meeting one night and was “complimented” by a dear older lady. “Brother Ouellette, that was a good sermon,” she said. “There wasn’t no doctrine or nothin’ in it.”
Diet books and weight loss plans abound in the land of plenty. More than half of the population is looking for a quick fix on how to shed a few pounds.
An old proverb states, “For want of a nail the shoe was lost, for want of a shoe the horse was lost, for want of a horse the rider was lost, for want of a rider the battle was lost, for want of the battle the kingdom was lost, and all for the want of a horseshoe nail.”
Baptist preachers have always known that beliefs matter. The challenge has been in convincing the congregations of the same. The pastor spends hours in study searching the Scriptures. He cross references verses.
Many pastors asked me what planning and preparation were involved before I started Hermosillo Baptist Church, and I thank God for those questions. A vision without a strategic plan will be just another dream.
Some years ago, I stood in a long line at the pharmacy in a Target store. The young lady behind the counter was exceptionally friendly, cheerful, and helpful, and she kept her customers in a good mood during a long wait.
A church plant is an awesome adventure, an important calling, a needed endeavor, and much more. However, for all the things church planting is, there are many things that it’s not.