The objective of all true educators is to provide learning to students. But the framework in which that takes place in a Christian school is clearly distinctive from its secular counterparts. Our colleagues in the arena of public education see the state as the party responsible for educating a child.
By Dr. John Goetsch, Saturday, September 25, 2021
Mentoring Your Child Is Not a Part Time Job
My wife and I had been married about two years when her pastor who had married us asked me to come and preach an eight-day revival meeting. After the last service he pulled me aside and said some nice things about my preaching. His countenance became very serious however and I will never forget his challenge to me.
By Dr. Paul Chappell, Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Family and Ministry Do Not Have to Compete
All of us who are passionate about ministry recognize that we can have competing interests when it comes to balancing our ministry and family responsibilities. If we’re not careful, we can yield to the addiction of busyness in ministry to the neglect of our own family.
By Terrie Chappell, Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Communicating Christ's Love to Others
February is the month for expressing love. I am glad there is one day set aside on our calendar to let others know how much they mean to us; yet does expressing our love have to be a “one day” event? The quality of our relationships is certainly not defined by the events of a single day! Valentine’s Day should . . .
By Troy Dorrell, Wednesday, January 16, 2019
4 Elements of an Effective Biblical Apology
People are dangerous! Our sinfulness often brings with it the capacity to hurt others. We hurt one another with the words we say and with the things we do or forget to do. Sometimes we injure our relationships with others through carelessness or negligence.
By Dr. Don Sisk, Saturday, June 2, 2018
A Strong Home Is Essential for Missionaries
I have told the story of my call to preach and Virginia’s response many times. I believe that was the secret of our ministry in Japan and for sixty-two years of ministry together.
By Dr. Paul Chappell, Monday, March 5, 2018
You Are Always Teaching Your Children
Parenting is not for the faint of heart. And I’m not just referring to the hazards of stepping on legos in the middle of the night. (Although legos do qualify as a parenting hazard.) But primarily I’m referring to the responsibility parents have to shepherd their children’s hearts toward God.
By Teri Dorrell, Saturday, February 17, 2018
Memories Must Be Made on Purpose
This is the time of year when we realize how fast time flies! We have so many good intentions that are never accomplished because we don’t “make” them happen. Making memories has to be intentional and purposeful. Life is about moments. Don’t wait for them, create them!
By Dr. Paul Chappell, Monday, September 25, 2017
Building a Family in the Ministry—Part 3
As a dad, there is simply no greater joy to me than that my children would love and follow the Lord. I’m grateful for God’s call on their life for the ministry, and I’m thrilled to see how He is using and blessing each of our four children and their spouses.
By Dr. Paul Chappell, Monday, September 11, 2017
Building a Family in the Ministry—Part 1
I remember as a young father hearing stories about pastors’ kids not turning out and being afraid that my children could be among the statistics. I wanted with everything in me to love and nurture my family while at the same time to be faithful to God’s calling on my life for the ministry.
By Dr. Paul Chappell, Monday, July 10, 2017
Making Summer a Time of Growth
The typical American attitude about summer is that it is a great time to kick back and relax. But could there be more to it? As a parent, when our children were young, Terrie and I saw summer as a time to invest in their lives in ways that were not as possible during the school year.
By Kathy Houk, Saturday, January 14, 2017
A—Acknowledge your need for the Lord in the training of your children.
B—Begin each school day with prayer before leaving your home.
By Kevan Bartlett, Thursday, January 5, 2017
15 Tips for Improving Your Home
Here are 15 tips drawn from biblical principles to improve your home that I have found helpful and trust will be a blessing to you.
By Dr. Paul Chappell, Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Raising Children to Live for God
Being a parent is a tough job. And in today’s broken society, it sometimes seems that there are 1,001 forces working against you. But parenting is not only tough—it’s vital. It’s the highest of callings, and it’s important that you succeed in raising your children to follow the Lord as adults. So how are you to win in this endeavor?
By Terrie Chappell, Saturday, May 21, 2016
Spending Time with Loved Ones This Summer
Ahhhhhh summer! What a wonderful time of year to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit. If you have a vacation this summer, make the most of it. Use your vacation time wisely. Try not to spend the greater part of it traveling, doing household chores, or even sleeping more than . . .
By Dr. Paul Chappell, Tuesday, February 9, 2016
And a Book to Help You, or Parents in Your Church
Assumptions are powerful for two reasons: first, because we often don’t recognize our assumptions (by definition, we accept them as fact) and second, because they do, in fact, shape our actions. In almost thirty years of pastoring and counseling, I’ve discovered that many Christian parents hold false assumptions which they don’t recognize and which they base their parenting decisions upon.
By Dr. Paul Chappell, Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Ideas to Help with Devotions
Parents are responsible not only to teach God’s Word to their children but to “teach them diligently.” Deuteronomy 6:7 describes the level of persistence with which we are to teach our children: “and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”
By Dr. Paul Chappell, Monday, July 6, 2015
The Church Must Not Stand Back While the Home Is under Attack
There’s no question about it: the home is under attack today. And I’m not just talking about subtle attacks that cautiously undermine biblical values. I’m talking about a full on, vicious, satanic attack that is shaking the very definition of the family itself.
By Dr. Paul Chappell, Wednesday, June 24, 2015
5 Components of a Godly Home
If you are building a home, you don’t want to trust your own intuition. You need God’s wisdom and God’s help.
By Dr. Paul Chappell, Monday, June 30, 2014
5 Steps to Crafting a Spiritually Uplifting Summer
The principle of rest is woven into the pages of Scripture. But in our twenty-first century mentality of hurry, we often miss it. God built cycles of work and rest into creation. (See Genesis 2:2–3; Exodus 20:11.) Even Jesus highlighted the necessity of having times of rest.