One life is of priceless value to God, and yours is that life! So, let’s determine to give God every day of our life until our dying day. Here are four steps to take to help
Five Benefits of Developing Your Heart for the World
I highly recommend that a pastor visit the mission field every year or at least every couple of years. Let me share with you some of the benefits that come out of visits to the field.
Welcome to! For many years, God has placed a passion in my heart for independent Baptist leaders to strive together for the faith of the Gospel (Philippians 1:27). I thank God for friends and spiritual leaders around the world who have sharpened and encouraged me in the work of the Gospel.
I think most of us would have to admit that last year was in some ways a disappointing one. I certainly do not mean to be a discouragement with this article, and I am not discouraged as I write it. In fact, in many ways I think we are living and ministering in one of the greatest periods of Church history.
A Missionary’s Relationship with Other Missionaries—Part 4
Missionaries in your area most likely will have an impact (for good or bad) on your ministry because you and your workers will cross paths with the missionary and his workers often.You can also have a positive impact on their lives and ministry, depending on your attitude.
An evangelist is not just an itinerate preacher, though it is true that many evangelists are itinerate preachers, the fact that you travel from place to place and speak in various churches and different civic settings does not necessarily make you an evangelist.
The Apostle Paul deals with the proclamation of the Word in 2 Timothy 4:2: “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.” The word preach means “to herald or announce.”
God’s great preachers down through the centuries have agreed on the importance of study. If you would become the servant, shepherd, and speaker God would have you be, you need to begin by
The internet is an incredible place where a world of information is just a Google search away. I’ve put together a list of five tools that are the first things I do anytime I get a new computer or setup a new network. Some are
Can a child understand the Gospel and not know the exact meaning of everlasting life or the word saved? Jesus said that unless adults become as little children, they cannot be saved, so the obvious answer is yes. The Gospel is . . .