A Missionary’s Relationship with Other Missionaries—Part 3
Most missionaries have strengths and weaknesses. If you will be observant, you will find that some of the greatest helps to your ministry, your family, and yourself will come from . . .
Just as there are enemies of our country plotting and planning ways to hurt U.S. citizens, so your family has an enemy who is skilled at destroying young lives, breaking apart marriages, and devastating the hearts of fathers through temptation and trials.
As an elementary student, one of my favorite recess activities was to play on the merry-go-round. All the kids would grab one of the iron handles and run for all they were worth. Then, when the merry-go-round was traveling as fast as it could, we would all jump on. If you were sitting close to the outside, you would have to hold on with all your might, because it was easy to get thrown off.
Young people today are flocking to a new phenomenon called the “emergent church.” It really isn’t new—it is the same old deception of Satan dressed in modern attire.
What begins in the pastor’s heart will be contagious if it is communicated and structured biblically. This is God’s design. He works through spiritual leaders to mobilize His people and accomplish His purpose.